Please respond to the following prompt in three (3) well organized paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Celebrate growth!
What struck you or what did you LEARN today during our time together?
In what ways were you challenged today as a House Steward?
What struck you or what did you LEARN today during our time together?
In what ways were you challenged today as a House Steward?
What are you most excited about as we continue to CREATE together?What can we celebrate about today?
Paragraph 2: How far will you go to CREATE our FUTURE TOGETHER?
Paragraph 2: How far will you go to CREATE our FUTURE TOGETHER?
What is the one thing from today's CARE CAMP that you will use immediately upon returning to CARE AND CONNECT on Monday?
What is the biggest challenge you face in achieving that one thing?
Paragraph 3: GLOWS and GROWS
What went really well today?
What did you feel really good about?
What areas of growth do we need to address to continue to FLYNDEFY?
How could we address those areas?
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