T MINUS 4 Four Days til Mock Interviews
On Monday, May 18 the Mock Interviews will begin. Several members from the community will be taking time from their busy work days to provide this remarkable opportunity.
On Monday, you will be called out of your English IV class to your interview.
At Operation Citizenship, on April 27th, you received a blue folder and the preparatory materials needed to "S.E.T. the catapult."
This blog post contains links that you may use to prepare. The links include the presentation that Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Sekulski shared during their sessions, complete with the interview videos, the "MACH" Interview Prep Kit, and links to two of my favorite interview prep sites: The Interview Guys & The Muse.
On interview day, please bring:
TWO hard copies of your resume, any letters of recommendation you have acquired, and any work samples you would like to show off.
Please look at the rubric that the interviewers will be using; it will answer many of your questions.
Operation Citizenship "MACH" Interview Prep Kit
The Interview Guys
The Muse
Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Sekulski's Presentation shared with you on 4.27
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